Liskov dev course information
The best learning happens in person
Learn to code (using JavaScript)
Learn HTML, CSS, Web Fundamentals
Gain skills in backend fundamentals
Understand software engineering and DevOps
Learn to code
Learning a programming language is a bit like learning to speak a foreign language, but instead of communicating with another person, you are speaking to a machine.
Learn how to solve problems using a computer language
Develop all the coding fundamentals through theory, drills, and exercises
Explore the fundamentals of coding
Learn data types & structures, how to think through simple problems in coding and breaking them down
Learn how to build apps
Gain appreciation of organisation and project complexity, constraints, planning, coding as a way of thinking
Learn web fundamentals
What is the web, and what happens to things that we put in the cloud? Learn about all the things that make the Internet websites and the apps that you love work.
Learn HTML and CSS
Understand the dev/design boundary, working in teams, and thinking through structuring a webpage
Style static webpages, and learn design basics
Learn how to make pages responsive, and thinking ahead in CSS
Bring JS into the browser
Use JS to make pages more interactive, and understanding the browser APIs
Gain backend skills
Behind every cool app and website is the engine room that makes everything work smoothly. It doesn't matter how pretty the icons look if it takes five minutes to load.
Web concepts: communication through the internet
Understand communication between clients and servers
Consider security implications across the full stack
Bring this altogether across front and backends, and serving data to a dynamic site
Building a backend and understanding APIs
Use public APIs and developing an API yourself (using Express)
Understand data structures, connect to databases
Develop an understanding of database structures using two paradigms (SQL and NoSQL)
Understand software engineering
Digital products and services have a lifecycle of their own as well. Make the hard work involved in building a website or app worthwhile by making the maintenance and update as simple as possible.
Employ frameworks for front end
Learn React to get comfort in a frontend framework, and get certain tasks done quickly
Testing, Git, devOps, Software Engineering
Deployment, working in teams, testing, and structuring increasingly complex projects
Complete major project
Put together a medium sized project over the course of about a month, bringing all aspects of the course together